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Showing posts from February, 2020

The FI Checklist

You are on the verge.  So close your ears are tingling with anticipation.  Your fingertips rattle across the keyboard. Your lips purse into a wry smile. You can barely contain the pent-up ecstasy as the words appear on your computer screen: "... I would like to resign my position with effect from.... " WAIT A MINUTE.  I know you have literally waited a decade to type this letter.  But hold your horses first.  Have you done the FI checklist? The FI Checklist 1.  Have you set aside a cash buffer for income tax payments, which will persist for at least one more year in your unemployed life?   Since you would no longer have an active income, it is pertinent that you have set aside sufficient cash reserves to meet your tax obligations. If your passive income level is high enough to cover your expenses plus taxes, good on you. If not, prudence dictates that you ring fence some money for Singapore's most powerful debt collector. ...